Starting out? Go local and take it online – that’s my pitch

In case you missed it amid World Cup hysteria, I was interviewed this week by the website

I’m often asked for advice for people starting out in travel writing and, aside from don’t give up the day job, I’m afraid there is no magic formula.

However, read the story here and you’ll find some pragmatic advice I did try to offer up to budding writers.

The piece also links to details about my Cumbria book.

Does anyone agree with the advice? Or want to take me to task? Or simply ask a questions not covered by

Fire away.


Inspired by comments, some further reading from today’s Media Guardian; story here.


  1. FionaC says:

    Do you think FuckYeahStirchley has a future? It was mentioned on The Archers you know. 😉

    Actually, that sounds like good advice. But I’m not sure to what extent the rewards are financial. The benefits for the local/beatbloggers I know seem to be more a sense of fulfilment/enjoyment, rise in status/power, the occasional freebie, an add to the portfolio, building up of skills, a bit of fun (like out hyperlocal postcode blog above), etc.

    Still not sure where the money is coming from in travel writing – it’s a dwindling pot. I think it will most likely come from sponsorship of some kind but it’s not a straightforward path.

    I think a good theme could work. If I could just think of one…

  2. FionaC says:

    Do you think FuckYeahStirchley has a future? It was mentioned on The Archers you know. 😉

    Actually, that sounds like good advice. But I’m not sure to what extent the rewards are financial. The benefits for the local/beatbloggers I know seem to be more a sense of fulfilment/enjoyment, rise in status/power, the occasional freebie, an add to the portfolio, building up of skills, a bit of fun (like out hyperlocal postcode blog above), etc.

    Still not sure where the money is coming from in travel writing – it’s a dwindling pot. I think it will most likely come from sponsorship of some kind but it’s not a straightforward path.

    I think a good theme could work. If I could just think of one…

  3. Ah, yes, filthy lucre. That’s the catch. I’m not trying to make money from this blog at the moment, just establish a presence. But I’d like to one day, especially as the ‘dwindling pot’ of travel writing for print media dwindles even further. For people starting out, I think it’s about finding your voice and ideally, carving out a niche. For those of us more established, the aim moves wider to take in financial reward. But, as you say, nobody is sure where the money is coming from. New ideas, please …

  4. Ah, yes, filthy lucre. That’s the catch. I’m not trying to make money from this blog at the moment, just establish a presence. But I’d like to one day, especially as the ‘dwindling pot’ of travel writing for print media dwindles even further. For people starting out, I think it’s about finding your voice and ideally, carving out a niche. For those of us more established, the aim moves wider to take in financial reward. But, as you say, nobody is sure where the money is coming from. New ideas, please …

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