Tag: Chamber of Commerce

A media taster session for the West Cheshire and North Wales Chamber of Commerce



I ran a taster session for my media-medira writing workshops with Tracy North of Outwrite PR.

It was a lunch event for the West Cheshire and Noth Wales Chamber of Commerce (WCNW Chamber) and the theme was how to get your story across.

There was a great response from people on the day with lots of questions and follow ups via Twitter but, for anyone who missed it, here are my top tips for making your news story or blog post stand out from the crowd.

Your story has to be worth reading. And to be worth reading it has to have a hook or an angle, that is something timely and compelling that makes it stand out.

So you need to think differently. But how?

  • 1) Find the news hook — think why now? What is the one piece of news you want to share? Eg. You’re launching a new product next week? You’ve just won an award? Your business is celebrating its first anniversary? If no hook, then no story.
  • 2) Put a human face on it — think how can your build empathy with your readers? Simple. People love to read about people, so don’t be afraid to personalise your story and share your own personal experience.
  • 3) Offer your expert views — can you explain a complex subject in a concise yet informative way and without blinding people with jargon? Great. Then put yourself forward. After all, the media thrives on comment.
  • 4) Elevate your story — think about how your story fits in with national/international trends and events? Eg. Budget statement last week? How did the Chancellors’ announcements impact on your business? Greek debt crisis? How does this relate to what’s happening in your business?
  • 5) Just say it — think about how to make your point clearly and concisely. My pet hates include waffle intros, lack of follow-up details and exclamation marks.

Liked this? Then try also Writing online: Feedback from the second workshop.